Firstly let me say a huge WELCOME to you all as I am very proud to finally declare this new Website open! Its been a long time coming but through a lot of hard work from a great team, I could not be happier to launch this bad boy :)
My hopes for this website were not only for a place you could come to buy Official merchandise but also one to enjoy for many other things. I will be doing a regular Blog and trying out my writing skills to the more mundane side of life, when not writing about sexy Demons and Angels.
There will be regular updates on both upcoming books and events held throughout the year. And also a place you can come to view any pictures of past events that may have been missed when posted on Facebook.
I would like to thank my wonderful Husband Blake for working long, hard hours at putting this website together and I think you can all agree, it is beautiful! I would also like to thank Sally, our amazing PA for helping with this new venture and making sure we crossed our T's and dotted our I's!
And lastly I would like to thank the utterly fantastic fans...'yes you wonderful lot!'...for being so patient when it comes to waiting for books and this website to be launched. Your support is, as always something I consider a gift and therefore treasure it in my heart forever.
All my love and happy Reading ;)
Stephanie x
P.S Sorry for any spelling mistakes (But you know me lol)