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The Afterlife Chronicles - The Glass Dagger

Stephanie Hudson

Hello lovelies,

I know you are all waiting ( for news of the next book, but today I am very excited to share a little teaser for the spin-off Afterlife Chronicles book - The Glass Dagger.

As you know this book is a spinoff from the main saga and is aimed at a younger audience, but is still very much 'Afterlife'. This is the first in what will be another set of stories from the Afterlife world. It will be released following the last book in the saga and I cannot wait for you all to welcome some new characters to the Afterlife family.

I am also so freakin excited that the utterly wonderful Caroline Fairbairn is joining me on The Chronicles and illustrating the books. She is one talented artist and I feel very lucky to have her join the team for these books, go and take a look at her Facebook page

I reckon this sneaky peak image perfectly matches the sneaky peak excerpt from the book that I am sharing with you all now!!!!....

Hope you like it!!!

Steph (eeeeekkkk!!! 😀) xx


So what do we do now…knock three times and say there’s no place like home?” Zane asked as they approached the thick black gates.

“Seriously though, are you ever going to stop dropping movie quotes?” Ena asked sarcastically.

“I don’t know, are you ever going to remove that pole from your…”

“Enough bickering,” Theo said interrupting him.

“What, I was going to say nose,” he argued knowing this wasn’t true.

“Yeah, right you were,” Ena muttered when poor Ivan was once again just left looking confused, so Janie smiled up at him and said,

“The Wizard of Oz.”

“Ah, me like little dogs,” Ivan said grinning, this time making Zane confused.

“Uh, he likes what now?”

“I think he means Toto,” Janie said making it obvious that she was going to be the go to girl when things got confusing around them. Theo was at least glad it was giving her something to focus on other than the potentially dangerous situation they were about to enter into.

“Well, here goes nothing,” Theo said holding the phone in one hand and pulling on the gate with the other. He didn’t know why but he was surprised to see it was open, getting the strange sense that this only happened when it was dark. He let Ivan open the other side until both were back against the stone archway allowing them access to the heavy oak doors that did look as though they belonged on a castle. They were massive and for once tall enough so that Ivan didn’t have to worry about ducking to get through.

They were riveted with black iron studs and large hammered iron hinges that looked more for a purpose than as a feature. Theo placed a hand at the centre, getting ready to push and noticed that the same family crest that was on the wax seal on his letter was also carved under his hand. He hadn’t known what to expect but finding the door warm to the touch hadn’t been it. He frowned as an overwhelming feeling came over him as though he was meant to be here and nothing had ever felt more right.

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