As many of you already know, Stephanie has been unwell on and off for a number of weeks struggling with her back which caused delays with the release of the next Transfusion book.
You may also have seen her video on Monday night on the Facebook page where she updated everyone on how she was doing and she mentioned that there were going to be further delays to the book release.
Unfortunately Stephanie is back in hospital and surgery is looking likely. Hopefully this will sort the issues she is having but obviously this also means we cannot give a date for the release of Transfusion 10 or the rest of the series at this point.
Stephanie hates disappointing her fans but we do not want to make any promises as to when she will be able to get back onto getting the next books release ready.
We will keep you all as up to date as we can when we know more.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support.
The Afterlife Team x